Friday, February 25, 2005

T-minus 29 Days and counting ...

My first real vacation of this year will be starting in about a month and I absolutely cannot wait to go. For those of you who haven't been around me lately, myself and two friends (X and rotfiend) are going to be traveling to the Land of the Rising Sun at the end of March. I'll be gone for eight days and during the trip I will be visiting Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo (with possibilities for even more places to see).

Since this will be my first time traveling to Japan, I am going as part of a tour group. I would have liked to done this all on my own, but with the limited amount of Japanese I have learned so far and my unfamiliarity with that part of the world I feel it's better if I go as part of a bigger group. Also, I have always expected that this will not be my only trip to Japan. For all intents and purposes, this is more like a scouting mission. I see no reason why I won't be going back at another time, and when I do so I can explore the country more on my own.

For those who are interested to know exactly what I'll be doing in Japan, here's the itinerary.

I'll add more on this later, cause right now I need to get back to work.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Jack of all trades, Master of none ...

I have waaaay too many interests. I've found myself trying to take on too many different activities at one time, but I have no desire to give up any one of them. Between work, video games, learning japanese/spanish/german, building a web site, studying for CCNA certification, seeing family, spending time with friends, exercise, Iaido, etc., I guess it shouldn't surprise me too much that I never feel like I have enough free time ...

... guess that might be why I am currently single. (Note to self: fix that)

But I digress. I find myself having many various interests. Some are due to a desire on my part to be more knowledgeable in a certain way, to enhance my career choices and path. Mainly this is evident in my trying to maintain a website (yes, trying being the operative word; haven't had the site up in two weeks at least now. Need to get that back on track.) and with my studying for CCNA certification. Other interests I have taken up are purely personal, to improve upon myself as a whole. I see this in my studying of different languages, as well as in my study of martial arts.

All in all, I aspire to achieve mastery in all the things that I have undertaken. The problem is that sometimes I feel that I'll never master any of them. Only be marginal in all of them. Don't know how I'd feel if that turned out to be the case. I can only do my best, and for now remain the jack of all trades and master of none ...

... well, I am master of one thing. The Ladder Match! And not a damn one of you can defeat me!

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Just a quick shout of support to the Philadelphia Eagles in tonight's Superbowl. I am not really an Eagles fan, but I hope they win tonight's game. I love football, and seeing the game tonight will be a great way to end a very exciting season. Wish my two teams did better this year, but there's always hope for 2005. Anyway, beat the Patriots tonight Eagles!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha.

Badstar had a couple of interesting posts up on his blog recently, where he took two seperate tests from that were supposed to determine which religion he was "closest to". You can go to his blog to look at his results, but as for me, I figured why not try the tests out myself. I've never been even remotely religious, though that is not to say that I do not believe in religion. I was baptized Catholic, but I never really ever attended Church or any kind of services (excepting the few I've gone to with friends). Religion was never really that important in my family life. I have a loving family and as a child and currently as an adult, that's all I need. But anyway, what will I come out as after taking these two quizzes?

You scored as Wicca/Witchcraft. Wiccans are from a relatively new religion, dating only as far back as the early to mid 1900s. This is deceptive, Wicca is based off a religion that is very ancient and whose participants were hunted by the church in massive witch hunts. Although wiccan magic states that it "must harm no one". In the middle ages, a witch would have been hunted and killed if they were caught preforming any magical act, even healing. A sadder fact, though, is that most of the people killed for being witches in history were not in fact witches.





Confusion -ism






What religion are you closest to?
created with

That was the first test. I honestly didn't like a lot of the 50 questions that were asked, and like Badstar I feel taking another test might give better results. So, how about this one?

You scored as Buddhist.













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The second test consisted of a shorter list of questions (30), but I feel like this one might be more accurate. In the previous test, I answered a lot of questions with what would be considered neutral answers, because I did not really feel all too strongly one way or another. At least with this second test, I was given more of an opportunity to take a clear position on each question.

Of course, all this has made me think back to other tests I have taken. Usually, these have all been fun little internet quizzes that determine stuff like Which Fantasy/SciFi character are you? (I ended up being Agent Smith from the Matrix on my first time taking the test), Which D&D Character are you? (played a lot of this when I was younger; the test said I was a Chaotic Good Human Ranger; funny, I've never played such a character...), and lastly one of my favorites is What Pre-1985 Video Game Character Am I?

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?