I realized lately that once again I have fallen off my goal of updating this blog more regularly. But I have come up with some topics to cover over the next few days. We'll start with a trip that happened back in May 2008.
For my roommate's birthday, we decided to go to the beach. He had wanted to go surfing so we decided to head up to Pacifica and check out a beach that some of our other roommates knew about. It was kind of weird, at least for a man like me who's used to Florida beaches. We started out from San Jose and the temperature was in the 90s. By the time we made it to the beach in Pacifica, the temperature had dipped to the upper 60s. And fog was rolling in off the ocean. Add to that some interesting architecture and it ended up being really surreal. Take a look for yourself.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
YouTube fun
A good friend of mine just got some video capture hardware (I believe it's this or something similar) and has started making videos. A lot of what he's made recently has been captures of some of his gaming sessions, mainly in Call of Duty 4. Hopefully, he'll be capturing some of our joint gaming session tonight!
I have to say I am impressed with his videos so far, since he's only just begun making them. And I admit to being a little inspired, to the point where I'm looking at possible setting up some sort of capture rig for use with my Xbox360/PS3/PC. Until then, the only videos I can upload are from PixelJunk Eden which I just purchased for my PS3 yesterday. It has a way to record videos while you play and then you can directly upload them to YouTube or save them to your PS3's hard drive. Guess I'll be trying this out later tonight.
If you want to check out what my friend has made, check out his channel.
ragingwookie's Channel on YouTube
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
So, some of my most recent posts detailed my reflection on how things were going out here in California after one year's time. I was a little hard on myself, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with what I had to say. One thing I didn't mention, however, were the plans I had developed for myself.
When I came out to California, I really never believed I was staying for good. If I had, I would have never kept my house in Tampa. My goal was to get a job in "almost mythical" (in my mind) Silicon Valley (hopefully in the video game industry), work at it for two years, and then go back home with some valuable experience added to my resumé. Now, there was/is always the chance I would meet a nice, young lady and decide to spend my time with her. But as of yet, that hasn't happened. So two years of added experience and home-bound I would be.
But some things happened recently that made me do a little rethinking. One, was my realization that the jobs I've found out here in Silicon Valley are really no different that what I can find in Tampa. What I mean is, I had this kind of grand idea that you would work on projects and systems that you simply would not find or see anywhere else. But that's just not the case. The job opportunities aren't that different out here, there are just more of them. But there's also more competition so it all kind of evens out. When I figured this out back a month or two ago, I decided that I would change my plans slightly. I would make an effort to land my dream job, but if nothing turned up by the end of the year I would start making plans to return to Tampa early. Probably within the first three months of 2009. But then the next event happened.
That next event was, well, let's say a ... situation ... developed over here. Essentially all of us here are going to need to find a new place to live soon, probably within the next few months at worst. And upon facing that fact I felt I had to readjust my plans one more time. So, would I move to a new place out in California with my roommates? If so, then I would be out here at least one more year if not more. Or ... or, would I make my return to Tampa now?
As much fun as I've had out in California ... as thankful as I am to my friend who provided me a place to live, and really provided me with the opportunity to come out here in the first place ... as awesome as it has been to meet up with people I haven't seen in a long time; to make new friends; and to become part of a great, Gator community out here ... all of that has been awesome. But through it all, I've still maintained that Tampa is my home. For the last week and a half, I've consulted with various people. Asking them to challenge me and my notions, feelings, and thoughts. And ultimately, I had to look within myself to see if I believed in the decision I was considering.
But my decision has been made. Below you will find a picture of my residence beginning sometime in early October.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Curiouser and curiouser
Thursday, August 07, 2008
The Dark Times Are Over: Football Season Has Begun!
Finally ... The NFL has come back to your television sets!
Sorry, just a little modification from a Rock quote (this Rock, not this one). But I am absolutely happy that football season has arrived. I watched the Hall of Fame game last Sunday, I'll be watching parts of the Saints-Cardinals game on ESPN and the Chiefs-Bears game on the NFL Network tonight, and I'll be following the Buccaneers-Dolphins game on Saturday. I've printed out the season schedules for the Florida Gators (my alma mater), Chicago Bears (my favorite team) and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (my hometown team). And I've made predictions on how I feel each team will do this season. I just wanted to take a quick moment to put my predictions out there, so my friends can't claim I'm fudging numbers when I end up being correct.
I'm just going to come out and say it. I'm a homer, a die-hard alumnus who bleeds orange & blue. Looking at the schedule I just don't see any reason why the Gators cannot go 12-0 and reach the SEC Championship. Sure, it most likely won't happen due to the nature of the beast which is the SEC but I am confident in the abilities of that team. So, 12-0 in the regular season, SEC East Champions, SEC Champions and playing for a BCS National Championship. And Tim Tebow will be awarded the Heisman Memorial Trophy for the second time.
The Chicago Bears have made it tough on me these last few years. They seem to like to tease us fans with a great season at one time interrupted by a few lean, losing years. I've resigned myself to believing they are in the middle of a major rebuild of the offense. Looking at their schedule optimistically, I could see the Bears going 8-8. It will probably end up being worse than that, but 8-8 would be fine with me.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers went 9-7 last season, but they essentially gave up the last two games by resting a majority of their starters for both games. I was intrigued by the entire Brett Favre saga, and would not have minded seeing #4 as a Buccaneer. However, I supported their acquisition of Jeff Garcia last year and I believe he performed well for them over last season. So, I'm happy that they still have a Pro Bowl-caliber quarterback starting for them. Looking at the Buccaneer's schedule, I see them going 11-5. I am simply not sold on the supposed improvements made by the New Orleans Saints and Carolina Panthers, so I think the division is up for grabs and that the Buccaneers are in a fine position to repeat as the NFC South Champions.
Sorry, just a little modification from a Rock quote (this Rock, not this one). But I am absolutely happy that football season has arrived. I watched the Hall of Fame game last Sunday, I'll be watching parts of the Saints-Cardinals game on ESPN and the Chiefs-Bears game on the NFL Network tonight, and I'll be following the Buccaneers-Dolphins game on Saturday. I've printed out the season schedules for the Florida Gators (my alma mater), Chicago Bears (my favorite team) and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (my hometown team). And I've made predictions on how I feel each team will do this season. I just wanted to take a quick moment to put my predictions out there, so my friends can't claim I'm fudging numbers when I end up being correct.

Day of Introspection: A Slight Clarification
So, in Part 1 I made the following statement.
"To be brutally honest, I would say that up to this point I have failed. Some might think I'm being a little to harsh on myself, but I don't believe in moral victories, half-truths, or some other kind of feel-good nonsense that you find on a poster somewhere."
Speaking of posters ...
I love that picture! You can purchase it from Despair, Inc. at the following address.
Anyway, a very well-written comment was made on that post and it contained the following nugget of advice.
"Anyway, to cut to the chase. Reflect, analyze, ponder. Do all of these. But give yourself the credit you deserve just for undertaking the journey."
First off, I want thank this commenter for reminding me to not be too hard on myself. After reading this over, I think I should clarify my feelings somewhat. I don't want it to seem like I feel that my move out here to California has been a failure. Far from it, to be truthful. I've enjoyed my time out here immensely and feel that my entire experience so far has been enriching and fulfilling. So, I do think I give myself credit for things. I just kind of forgot to do so when I made that post.
"To be brutally honest, I would say that up to this point I have failed. Some might think I'm being a little to harsh on myself, but I don't believe in moral victories, half-truths, or some other kind of feel-good nonsense that you find on a poster somewhere."
Speaking of posters ...
Anyway, a very well-written comment was made on that post and it contained the following nugget of advice.
"Anyway, to cut to the chase. Reflect, analyze, ponder. Do all of these. But give yourself the credit you deserve just for undertaking the journey."
First off, I want thank this commenter for reminding me to not be too hard on myself. After reading this over, I think I should clarify my feelings somewhat. I don't want it to seem like I feel that my move out here to California has been a failure. Far from it, to be truthful. I've enjoyed my time out here immensely and feel that my entire experience so far has been enriching and fulfilling. So, I do think I give myself credit for things. I just kind of forgot to do so when I made that post.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Day of Introspection: Part 3

I've been in a bit of a rut lately, when it comes to dating. Honestly, my last relationship lasted a long time so I was not too interested in getting involved with anyone soon after it ended. I figured it would be easier to coast along as a bachelor, and if anyone promising came along than I would see where things lead. But it's been years now, and I'm quite tired of being alone.
Unfortunately, I'm not the kind of person who meets women at a bar or at a club. Most of my past relationships were people I was introduced to by a mutual friend. This trick has served me for a long time, but now it's come back to bite me in the ass. You see, most of my friends only seem to know people who are already in a long-term relationship (or are married ... or gay ...). So I'm in a transitional period, I guess, where I'm trying to decide how to put myself out on the market.

*Ahem* ... I digress. I have had the distinct pleasure to have been complimented as being a gentleman by a few women I have met. I think most of my friends would say that I am a good person with some eccentricities. And you know what, I like being the way that I am and have no intention of changing. But you know what they say. "Nice guys finish last." That might not be true, but you know what. Right now, it certainly feels that way.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Day of Introspection: Part 2
My head's been a jumble of thoughts lately, so I have been finishing this thread like I had hoped I would. Have a lot of things to think through ... and it does not help when my time is occupied with grand new adventures.
So, to get back to the topic at hand and relate my words to the pictures I am posting in this entry: let's talk about getting in shape.
I would not call myself unhealthy or obese, but I would say I've gotten a little fat and it is something I am not happy with. I've never been one to work out much, especially when I was younger as I was very active. I played tennis for two hours, twice a week, and also played many pick-up games of basketball and football with friends. Of course, when I hit college I got hit by the "freshman fifteen". Or rather, twenty as I believe I went from a weight of 155 lbs. to 175 lbs. Luckily, I've not deviated much from my new weight since then (about 10 years since freshman class) so I guess that counts for something. But to say I'm happy about the way I look, or rather, the way mu gut sticks out would be stretching the truth quite a bit.
Now, some might say that as long as I feel healthy I should not care about how much I weigh or what I look like. That nobody has the perfect body and I'm just allowing myself to be swayed by the perfect illusions cast by the popular media (i.e. look at any magazine rack and tell me what you see gracing all the covers of the main attractions). Well, I'm sorry. I don't harbor any illusions that I'll look like some Greek God cast from marble, but I expect better of myself and that includes looking "good". I understand that perception is very subjective. What I might think of as ugly or unattractive may be exactly the opposite of what someone else thinks. But, this is my blog so it's my opinion that matter most. ;-p
So, I'm fat. And I plan on doing something about it. Actually, I planned on doing something about it, and was actively following that plan. Until I moved here. *Sigh* You see, for about a year I was going daily to a gym that had opened right across the street from the neighborhood I lived in. I had discovered that in the years post-university living, if I had to travel further than 20 minutes to go to a gym than I would most likely come up with an excuse not to go. I had become lazy and, worse, was finding ways to rationalize that attitude. But, then a new gym opened up by my house called The Blitz. X and I decided to check them out one day, and after meeting the owners and going through a trial workout we were hooked. I started out going three times a week, and showed some initial progress but then felt like I plateaued out. After talking to one of the trainers there, I realized I would have to increase my workouts (in frequency and intensity) to get myself where I wanted to be. The trainer was instrumental in pushing both me and X. And we showed great strides in our appearance and health.
When I moved out to California, I was determined to continue my training. There were no Blitz gym locations close to me, so instead I decided to take up martial arts again. At various times, I have taken Choi Lei Fut (from Sifu Desmond Jackson of Whirling Tiger Kung Fu), Wing Chun, Edo Yagyu Shinkage-ryu Heiho (from Sensei David Walter), and lately Fairtex Muay Thai. I have always loved martial arts and enjoyed participating and learning each form.
Unfortunately, I have fallen into that old pit that has trapped me in the past. The Fairtex location I go to is in Mountain View, which is about 30-45 minutes away from the house I live in depending on traffic. If I actually go to class (like I damn well should be), then I have a great time and get my ass kicked! But if I don't go, I get to lay around the house and "heal" (that's the lie I tell myself) while getting nice and portly.
I know what I need to do. It's mainly just a matter of reinstilling some discipline into my routine. I was going to the Blitz 5-6 times a week, and would feel bad if I missed a day. I need to push myself to that point. Maybe I just need someone to badger me every morning ...
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