Friday, February 13, 2009

I Want This Game Now!

Happy Friday the 13th!

I like Friday the 13th (the date, not the movie). Something about the superstitions surrounding it all just amuses me. Anyway, enjoy your Friday!

Golden Axe: Beast Rider

If the above video does not explain to you why I am playing this game, then there is nothing else I can say.

In all seriousness, I've so far enjoyed the latest iteration of the Golden Axe franchise. It's not for everyone, make no mistake about that. It does not try to reinvent the wheel; does not try to be anything other than a hack-and-slash action game.

As I've played through it so far, I've felt like I've been playing an upgraded version of the arcade classic. Does it get everything correct? No. But then I never thought it had to. Golden Axe: Beast Rider has its problems and shortcomings but for me this has not ruined my enjoyment of the title. For me, it's just fun and that's why I play video games.

Doctor's Note

I've spoken a bit recently about feeling "off" for the last month or so. I've been lethargic, lazy and generally just feeling unhealthy these last few weeks. And due to some recent health scares that occurred with a couple friends of mine, I decided it might be a good idea to have myself checked out. I haven't had a physical examination since before I left for California. I'm not too old (a shocking admission that I will never admit to in front of my friends), so I really should not be feeling the way I do. My guess is that I haven't been as diligent in watching what I eat and that I have not been getting enough exercise of some form.

So, off to the doctor's I went. Got my physical examination taken care of. Had a bunch of vials of blood taken. That was about a week ago. And just got the results from my doctor today. The results were ... inconclusive ...?

Hmmm ... don't like how this sounds. I wrote it about a week ago, but I am not satisfied with it at all. So, let's summarize.

Been feeling unhealthy. Weigh 175 lbs. Body fat around 20 - 21%. Need to eat better and exercise more. Might be helpful to get back in to martial arts.

Going to doctor on Monday to have blood drawn for some testing. Routine checks to make sure I'm not about to die. We'll see how it all goes.