A good friend of mine has to decided to grace my little blog with his wit and presence. I hope that everyone will give JerseyStrangler some time to develop here. I, for one, am greatly appreciative in that he has decided to take some time to impart his wisdom upon us mere mortals through my small sphere of influence here in the web.
Further Updates: Two more good friends of mine are going to be joining me in this little endeavor. That brings my currnet count of blog contributors up to 3. I probably won't get anymore people onboard, unless someone really wants to help out. Anyway, please keep an eye out for posts from Ammy and X. I have known JerseyStrangler, X and Ammy for over 10 years now, and I expect them to all contribute things of interest over the course of this blogs life.
Also, I would like to make a correction about my Lazy Saturday post. X has informed me that the pictures of deep sea fish are not those of creatures that washed onshore due to the tsunami. According to his sources, they were captured during a deep sea excursion that scientists made a few weeks before the tsunami occurred. It sucks to have your facts wrong, but the pictures themselves are cool so it is still worth a look.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Wisdom is what the horses eat. Most unfortunate is the fact that the closest White Castle is 700 miles away. (I think)
Road trip anyone?
Next up...Lexx: the drinking game.
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