- First, I would like to belatedly congratulate a friend of mine who I have known since high school on her marriage to a very lucky guy. Back on Saturday, October 22, Christina Green married John Rankin at St. Paul Catholic Church. I have had the privilege of knowing Christina throughout high school and college, and I got to meet and get to know John for probably a little over a year now. I can't think of too many people that are as lucky as these two to have found each other, and I wish them the best and more. Unfortunately, I could not attend the wedding but I just want to say that my thoughts and prayers were with them on probably the happiest day of their lives.
- I would also like to congratulate two other friends of mine, Vanessa Benchea and Christel Muñoz. During the weekend of November 4 - 6 they competed in the USTF Winter Nationals, a Tae Kwon Do tournament in Dallas, TX. Christel placed 3rd in her division in the Forms competition. Vanessa placed 2nd in her division in both Forms and Sparring. A belated "Congratulations!" to both of you on your accomplishments, especially since this was the first tournament that either of you competed in (if I remember correctly).
- This past weekend, both X and I were invited to join JerseyStrangler and his girlfriend "Jill" for a night out at Channelside to celebrate Jill's birthday (I will continue to protect the true identity of "Jill", as only those with the highest clearance can ever learn her name). Now, I have know JerseyStrangler for a long time and I have gotten to know Jill ever since Jersey started dating her. They are great people, and I am always extremely honored to be invited out with them (as well as invited out with any of my friends; you never know, they could all want some alone time with their significant other). So anyway, we went out to meet Jersey, Jill, and about 8 more of their friends outside of the Bennigan's in Channelside. Channelside was packed that evening, so when we finally parked we still had about an hour and a half wait to get a table at Bennigan's. We had a good time waiting for the rest of the group to get together, occupying our time with just some idle banter and alcohol (did I mention the numerous drink stations expertly arranged out in the courtyard?). Being Jill's birthday (ok, belated birthday), X and I decided that we would make sure Jill would not go thirsty that evening (of course, I made sure that Jersey was driving home that night). We got into Bennigan's, and continued the good times with more banter, food and drink. Once we were finished there, we moved over to Splitsville for some billiards. It took a little while to get a table, but everyone kept themselves occupied. Some of the girls went over to the dance floor at one end of the place, and X and I followed to make sure nothing happened. One thing did happen ... we laughed our asses off at some striped shirts who were fulfilling the stereotype. I had to go back to the billiards tables pretty quickly, otherwise I would have fallen over from laughing too hard. So we finally got a table around 12:30 or 1:00 AM, and we took turns showing how bad each of us is at billiards until about 2:30. At that point, everyone pretty much decided to head back to their cars and then home. X and I ended up walking Jersey and Jill back to their car, partly to give Jill her birthday gift (X forgot it in the car earlier in that evening) and also to make sure they got to their car alright. Now, X and I are each on either side of Jill supporting her as we go up the stairs to the fifth level of the parking garage. Jersey is leading the group, as he has the keys as well as all of Jill's gifts. Now once we reach their floor and start walking to their car, Jill suddenly exclaims in the middle of her rambling (sorry Jill, you were rambling on about things the entire time up the stairs; X still doesn't know what you were talking about), "... and someone has got a hold of my boob ...". Immediately X and I put our hands in the air as if this was a robbery. To this day, we both deny any charges of inappropriate conduct. And in fact, it may not have bothered Jill too much, since she grabbed hold of both of us and continued walking to the car. I don't think Jersey was too happy, but then he had no indisputable evidence that anything had happened. However, if we look at the hypothetical event where something like that did actually happen I would have no choice but to accept responsibility for it myself. You see, I am a master at ninjitsu (in my own mind, anyway). If it pleases the court, I would like to display Exhibit A. The woman in this picture didn't even realize I had cupped her breast until she saw the picture on her camera. So, in that parallel universe where Jill was groped then the only sensible explanation is that my ninjitsu has achieved a level so beyond that of our mortal senses that even I didn't know I was doing it! (Kakashi-sensei would be proud, I would think.) Upon further review, the play stands as called on the field. First down! ... I would like to once again thank Jersey and Jill for inviting me along that evening. They may not think too much of it, but I always consider it an honor to know my presence makes things more enjoyable.
- I really can't say it any better, so just look at this post on Badstar's blog.
- I don't play World of Warcraft, but about everyone in my circle of friends at least knows about the Leeroy Jenkins video from that game. Now, Leeroy and WoW have been immortalized on Jeopardy!
Until next time.
Yeah...Jill (anonymized) was pretty drunk. (-_-) So drunk in fact that not even a cheeseburger was requested on the way home.
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