I have to say, I am absolutely loving this past month! The birthday parties I went to have been a lot of fun, visiting with my family last weekend was wonderful and relaxing, and I've been absolutely addicted to watching the World Cup! I'm sure many people didn't know I am a huge soccer fan, but I don't follow any of the leagues like the
English Premier League or
German Bundesliga. I watch World Cup, and I do so with an almost religious fervor every 4 years when it rolls around again. The teams I root for are (1) Germany, (2) USA, and (3) Britain. The sport itself is beautiful to watch with teams executing crisp, sharp passes and powerful shots on goal. Then again,
I could be watching for all the beautiful women that follow soccer as well ...
Yeah, she's probably just some British model and could care less about football (as they call it everywhere else), but a man can dream can't he?!
In other news, I have decided to secure my geekness by adding skins to my PS2 and Xbox360. It's just a little something to personalize them a little more and I like the way they turned out. Here are some pictures. And if you are interested in getting some skins of your own, I purchased mine from
Decal Girl.
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