Well, not really. I'm actually doing pretty good right now. But just thought I'd talk a little bit about getting older. Now, last week (12/05) I turned 30 years old and made some updates to my MySpace and Facebook pages saying that I "felt old". Now, that all was pretty much said in jest as most of my friends know I generally call myself the oldest one in our group even though I'm probably more in the middle of the pack in terms of age amongst us all. This all stems from something I was told years ago, probably around early high school. Someone had mentioned to me that I seemed more mature for my age (I think I was 15 or so) and ever since then I have played off it as if I'm the "old man". Always telling my friends, whether they were really older than me or younger by only a few months, that "when I was their age ..." or "In my day, we had nothing ... and we were thankful!". You know, the stereotypical old man sayings and it's always been in jest and everyone generally gets a good laugh out of it.
Honestly, I don't feel any anxiety about getting older. I've always told people that if anyone made any comments about me getting gray hairs now, I would just say it makes me look "distinguished". I don't know, I just don't feel any differently and care little that I was 29 a little over a week ago and am 30 now. Actually, the only time it bothers me is when one of my roommates complains about being 26 (he's a little bit ... vain I'll say), and I have to yell back "Shut the f@%& up! I'm 30! I'm the one approaching Death's embrace!" But really, I've just never cared. It's not like I'm going to stop playing video games, watching anime/cartoons, going on various trips (Japan next year!), or stop chasing after good-looking women; and instead decide I must get a job I can work at for 10-15 years, get married, settle down and start a family. Some people have told me, "hey, 30 is the new 20" or something like that. And that's not a bad way to look at things. But for me, 30 is just 30, a number. Doesn't mean anything other than I've been alive on this plane of existence for 30 years according to the Gregorian calendar.
I look forward to continuing on this journey we call life. I am going home for Christmas, and expect to have a great time seeing family and friends while I'm in Tampa for an entire week. And next year I am planning on a couple of vacations that I think will end up being pretty exciting. So turning 30 hasn't really meant too much, other than I can now joke about planning my mid-life crisis by dating some 20 year-old(s) (I'd say get a sports car too, but then again I have a BMW so that's already taken care of).
To paraphrase the dub for Street Fighter II: The Movie --
"Eric, what do you see in front of your fist?"
"My destiny."
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