I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Round 1: Fight!

Anyway, another new version of Street Fighter II has appeared. Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD! I have been eagerly anticipating this game along with Street Fighter IV, and I even downloaded and tried out SSF2THD last night on my PS3. Looks absolutely gorgeous and plays great. I can't wait to try out my, admittedly, paltry skills in some online matches including ranked, friendly, and the tournament mode. I might also have to spring for some Microsoft Points so that I can get it for the Xbox360 as well. Mainly so I can go up against my friends on that platform.
Below I've included some videos that have been making the rounds regarding SSF2THD. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Old Stomping Grounds
Not too much to report right now. I started working soon after coming back to Florida, so I've been busy getting used to things and getting back into the flow of how my company does things versus what I was used to in California. I haven't been able to see all the friends I want to, but I know that will get taken care of eventually.
Anyway, quick post tonight. Thinking up some topics for later in the week but this will have to do for now. Need to relax a bit before going to sleep.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Florida - The Return: Part 1

Leaving from California ran pretty smoothly. I had decided that I would pay to have my stuff packed and moved back to Florida, and the Wednesday before flying out the company I hired was there to pick everything up. They had all my belongings packed and on their truck in a few hours time. I also payed to have my car shipped to Florida and it was picked up the next day, Thursday September 25. Again it was a pretty simple procedure and caused me no stress at all. My flight was not until that Saturday, so I had some time to spend with my friends and just take in my last few bits of California. It was nice, but I would have loved a little more time to see more of my friends before leaving.
I just looked over everything I had written and have decided I really don't like it so far. It's just not flowing real well and I don't feel I'm expressing myself in the way I would like. So, instead I think I'll just post pictures (or links to my Flickr) until I have worked through this bit of writer's block.
"Change Has Come"
No matter what your political leanings may be, I think we can all agree that a historic moment has occurred in U.S. Presidential politics. I think I have mentioned before that I don't like to talk about politics too much because too many people take it way too seriously and personally. But I was proud to see that so many people decided to exercise their right to vote so that they could send a message regarding who they would like to see as President of the United States of America. Congratulations to President-Elect Barack Obama! I will be interested to see how the next four years unfold.
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