Thursday, November 06, 2008

Florida - The Return: Part 1

So, it's been ... actually about 3 weeks since I returned to Tampa, FL. I'm going to try to recount what I can remember about all that gone on since I last posted, but I know I will be forgetting a lot of important details. This move was not something I had planned out in advance, so it seemed a bit chaotic at times even though I made sure to give myself a lot of time to settle back in. More importantly, I know I will miss a lot of good friends that I made out in California and I feel bad that I could not say goodbye to a lot of them in a more proper way (i.e. in person as opposed to through an e-mail). But I do what I can and I know I will be keeping in touch with as many people as possible. And, of course, I will make sure to visit the people I know anytime I am in the area.

Leaving from California ran pretty smoothly. I had decided that I would pay to have my stuff packed and moved back to Florida, and the Wednesday before flying out the company I hired was there to pick everything up. They had all my belongings packed and on their truck in a few hours time. I also payed to have my car shipped to Florida and it was picked up the next day, Thursday September 25. Again it was a pretty simple procedure and caused me no stress at all. My flight was not until that Saturday, so I had some time to spend with my friends and just take in my last few bits of California. It was nice, but I would have loved a little more time to see more of my friends before leaving.

I just looked over everything I had written and have decided I really don't like it so far. It's just not flowing real well and I don't feel I'm expressing myself in the way I would like. So, instead I think I'll just post pictures (or links to my Flickr) until I have worked through this bit of writer's block.

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