Monday, March 28, 2005


As I write this, it is currently 9:36 PM in Kansai International Airport. All I have to report at this time is that 12 hours in economy class on a 747 would not I have been much of a problem if it hadn't been about 85 fucking degrees in the cabin. I have been flying on planes for about 20 years now, and I have never been in a plane that was that hot during the flight. Despite this, Thai Airways still gets a thumbs up for free alcohol (plenty of wine, cognac, and mixed drinks) and damn good food. No pictures yet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Friday, March 18, 2005

My Love for You is Like Usurper!

The Usurper
You scored 52% Cardinal, 17% Monk, 29% Lady, and 78% Knight!
You have both the lust for war of the Knight and the wicked morals of the Cardinal. You are truly a dangerous one who likes power and will stop at nothing to get it. If the king dares stand in the way of your ambitions you will have no qualms about removing him from the throne and placing yourself there instead.

You scored high as both the Knight and the Cardinal. You can try again to get a more precise description of either the Cardinal or the Knight, or you can be happy that you're an individual.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 77% on Cardinal

You scored higher than 4% on Monk

You scored higher than 8% on Lady

You scored higher than 98% on Knight
Link: The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test written by KnightlyKnave on Ok Cupid

Well, Badstar, how does this work for you?

Back on 03/11/05 I posted a link to an MSNBC story touching on how far robotics has advanced in Japan. I had joked about picking up a robot when I'm there on vacation starting at the end of next week. Of course, Badstar had an excellent comment on my post.

Evil Badstar said...

Hold out for the Japanese Schoolgirl-bot. You can name it Mia. :D

I do believe this is a great idea. However, I think the fine folks who create the webcomic Penny Arcade may have thought this out to it's logical conclusion.

(Note: I have used this image without the original creator's consent. Please contact me if this is a problem, so that I can remove it.)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Real things, Egg?

I took something today.

I can see things no one else can see. Do things no one else can do.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

SEC Tournament Champions

Florida 70 - Kentucky 53

Please note: I do not own the above image. I grabbed it through a Google Image Search.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Golfing Haiku

I hate this damn game.
Why does it frustrate me so?
I should have gone home.