Saturday, July 10, 2010

Intermixi TGS Tour - Day 9



Our final, full day in Japan was dampened a little by persistent rain. We started our day heading out to Kobe to see the gigantic Tetsujin 28-go statue that had been built in Wakamatsu Park. We had not arrived to Japan in time to see the life-size version of the Gundam statue that had been erected in Odaiba (and since then the Gundam has moved to Shizuoka), so seeing Tetsujin 28 was an equal treat.


From Kobe, we traveled back to Osaka and went to see Osaka Castle. A very beautiful castle, however, we didn't too much as the rain was coming down heavier during this part of the day.

After Osaka Castle, we traveled back to our hotel in Osaka and prepared for our night out ... no, our last night out in Japan. Aka-san had planned for all of us to go to Club Pure. I will admit this right here. I wussed out when the party really started to get going. I knew that we all had to get up real early to make our trains to get to Narita Airport to make our flights. So, I left before the trains stopped running so that I could get back to the hotel. I suck, I know.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Intermixi TGS Tour - Day 8, Part 3


The final stop was to Kiyomizu-dera. The walk up to the main temple complex is filled with all kinds of small shops and food vendors selling their various wares. The temple complex is filled with various shrines and areas dedicated to different things, if I remember correctly.


Like, here, where a waterfall flows down beneath the main hall. It is said that drinking the water has therapeutic properties.



I cannot remember if I drank from any of the streams myself. I guess that's why I have not received the gifts of either health, wisdom or longevity. Regardless, Kiyomizu-dera is a wonderful experience and I would recommend anyone who visits Kyoto to make a trip to this area to see it for yourself.