Wednesday, December 17, 2008


It's funny ... This time of the year, ranging from around Halloween to New Year, is usually one of my favorites periods. I help to celebrate a lot of birthdays, spend a lot of quality time with family and friends, and generally enjoy all the different holidays associated with this time of the year.

But so far I have been feeling kind of ... I don't know ... just, blergh. I don't know if it's just stress from the move back to Florida. Or the accumulation of expenses that always seem to crop up around this time of year that I have to pay. Or some other factor ... I think things will pick up for me shortly, but just have not been feeling "the holiday spirit" as much as in previous years, I guess.

Other than that, I am trying to figure out what I want to do with this blog beginning next year. I would really like to commit to doing like a regular column here, maybe once a week at least. Just haven't figured out if I have anything I can speak (intelligently) about that often. We'll see ...

1 comment:

Nafa said...

You're not alone there, brah. It's a general malaise that's fallen over the fields and furrows. I think it's a combination of things that individually don't seem to have much of an impact, but once they're all secretly working together they have a tendency to poison our wells and burn our cattle. Or something--you know what I mean. But you're not alone in this by any means. That's why the seemingly routine things mean so much to me lately, like Thursday nights and the gatherings when we all can. It combats the ennui. Hopefully this coming year will bring new horizons, perspectives.