Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I need to get out of here

Sorry, posting from work right now. Shouldn't be doing this, but right now I don't care.

Not too much to talk about right now. Been trying to go to the gym consistently now, and eventually I may see some results. My gym attendance averages about 4 times a week now. Sometime this week I'll have my weight and body fat % taken, so we'll see if I have continued to lose fat.

I will be out of town in a couple of weeks. I will be visiting a friend of mine in San Jose, CA for a few days. It's partly a vacation, and partly personal work. I have certain expectations I want to meet for this trip, but I won't be too disappointed if nothing comes to fruition. At the very least, I just want to go out there and get to meet some people and do some social networking.

Will probably post some new links soon. I am working on a few personal projects which I hope to have finished shortly. Hope everyone is doing well, and I'll post again soon.

1 comment:

JerseyStrangler said...

Dood, what secret projects are you working on? And can I get to them from your web page?