Saturday, August 25, 2007

... and continues some more ...

So, not too much to report since last I posted. I have been continuing my job hunt out here in San Jose and things are still progressing. I had two very good interviews yesterday (Friday) and I expect to hear something positive on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Actually, I hope to hear something early next week otherwise I think I am going to pretty much go insane. I can't say it hasn't been nice relaxing at the house all this time but if I don't get a job soon ... I just can't sit here anymore.

Well, at least I have been getting in some time with my personal pursuits while I've been on the job hunt. I have been studying one of my Cisco books so that I can take and pass the CCDA exam. I am guessing another certification to place on my resume can't hurt. I've slowly been catching up on watching all my DVDs. And I have been playing some video games, especially online. I have both a PS3 and a Xbox360 and my network ID on both systems is "Dracos3442". So if any of you are up for a game, send me an invite or message. Currently I am playing a lot of Madden 08 on my Xbox360 and next week I will be purchasing Warhawk for my PS3.

Other than that, not much to report. My roommate and I did make a discovery when shopping at the local Costco recently. Evidently, they import glass bottles of Coca-Cola from Mexico. Why is this important, you ask? Just look below at the pictures and check out the ingredients.

Sugar, wondrous, glorious sugar!

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